Feel Something - Movements


Every once in awhile a new album comes along that you just clutch on to with your life.  Unfortunately, the gap in time between albums like these are starting to grow more and more.  I am thankful that I am now able to use a platform such as the Music Crush Monday Podcast to express my love for certain albums that come out like that.  Ladies and Gentlemen, Feel Something by the band Movements is one of those albums.

Instead of being good "From A-Z" this album is good from Full Circle to The Grey.  I legitimately can find something to like in each track.  The thing that sticks out to me through out this whole album are the lyrics and the authenticity.  Not even just what is being said in each song but HOW it is being said.  The lead singer, Patrick Miranda has a way with words and you can not only feel what he is feeling but hear the authenticity on what he is feeling.  The title of the album is so fitting that he wants you to Feel SOMETHING and I'd be curious to find someone out there who feels nothing in any of these songs.  Patrick has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety, and Depression where he pulls from a lot in his writing but I feel like even with somber feeling words can help anyone in those same situations.  When you listen to the song Daylily it gives you a sense of hope that things will be good.  Here is a particular line that I love from that song:

"It's been awhile since you felt fine, but the warm nights are coming soon and you'll be just fine."

Another personal favorite song is track 5, Deadly Dull If you were to watch the music video on this one that was released you can see there is a big focus on the terrible disease of Alzheimers.   If you listen to the back story of this song it makes it so much better.  This is not a happy song by any means but it is real life.  The pain is real, the situation is real, and this probably happens every day in this world.  It is an incredibly sad situation but it is songs like this that can help bring awareness to such diseases like this one.  I think the band does a fantastic job of setting the mood and hitting with a big chorus to strike it all home.  The lyrics from Miranda are also again just so on point.  

A couple of other personal favorites are the opening track Full Circle and Under The Gun but in all reality you can't go wrong with any track.  Take the time to put this album on and give it a good listen.  It has a good balance of slower and upbeat songs and is such a good journey.  

Overall, I give this album a Music Crush Monday 4.5 Cassette Tapes!  Go listen to it now!

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