133. Earmuffs


Welcome back to the Music Crush Monday Podcast!  This week Kevin is up with music selection and puts the disclaimer out there to make sure the kids put on those earmuffs!

Kevin reaches back a little bit to his roots and shows Steve some underground music that he is fond of.  This week’s artist has an interesting career because when it wasn’t working out for him and the record label, he took his own career in his hands and that is when things started to really take off!  With some interesting choice of words and lyrical content, this music is aggressive and may not be for everyone but if you have an ear for this style of music, you should hear the talent and go check out more music by this artist!  

Reach out to us and let us know what you think of this week’s selection!  We have all of our contact information below and look forward to hearing from you!  If you could also check out our Patreon page and support the podcast, that would be amazing.  Suggest some of your personal favorite music to us as well so we can even play those artists on the show.  Thank you for joining this week and as always, we’ll see you next Monday!

Support us on Patreon!   

If you want to listen to the episode as intended, please do not look at the featured band links beforehand if at all possible.  Check out our Spotify playlist for more of their music and please reach out to us via the links below.  We’ll see you next Monday!   


Intro/Outro music:  “The Breakdown” by At The Wayside 

***  WARNING!  ***   

***  WARNING!  ***   

***  SPOILER ALERT!  ***   

***  SPOILER ALERT!  ***   

***  Disclaimer:  We at the Music Crush Monday Podcast would like for our listeners to listen to the bands blind with us but we also want you to check out the band further if they were interesting to you.  Please review the links below to find more on today’s featured band.  ***   

Band:  Hopsin

Songs Played: 
I Need Help from the album Knock Madness
Kill Her from the album Raw

Spotify: www.tinyurl.com/mcmep133